Morning stretches to relieve Low back pain: start your day Right!!!


Waking up with a sore and achy lower back can make the start of your day feel like an uphill battle. Whether

it’s due to poor sleeping posture, an uncomfortable mattress, or even an underlying medical condition,

morning back pain can put a damper on your mornings. In this blog, we will explore the common causes of

morning back pain and discuss the importance of morning stretches to alleviate discomfort and kickstart your

day with renewed energy.


Common causes of low back pain:

1. Improper sleeping posture: The way you sleep can significantly impact your back health. Sleeping in

awkward positions or with inadequate support can strain your back muscles and lead to morning


2. Overexertion: If you engaged in rigorous physical activity the day before, your muscles might be tense

and sore in the morning. Overdoing exercise without proper warm-up and cooldown routines can

contribute to morning back pain.

3. Getting out of bed incorrectly: Believe it or not, the way you get out of bed can affect your back.

Hasty movements or twisting out of bed can strain your back muscles.

4. Underlying medical conditions: Conditions like fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease can cause

chronic morning back pain. If your pain persists, consult a healthcare professional to rule out any

underlying issues.


Why morning stretches are important?

Before delving into specific stretches, it’s essential to understand why morning stretches can be so effective.

During the night, your body remains relatively immobile, causing synovial fluid, which lubricates your joints, to

stagnate. Stiffness and discomfort are the natural results. Morning stretches help increase blood flow,

oxygenate muscles, and promote flexibility, effectively countering these issues.

Morning stretches to relieve morning back pain:

1. Knees to chest stretch: Start by lying on your back and bringing one knee at a time up towards your

chest. Hold each knee for 5 to 15 seconds before releasing. This stretch eases tension in the lower


2. Posterior pelvic tilt: Lie on your stomach with a flat pillow or folded towel under your trunk. Arch your

lower back, pressing your tailbone toward your thighs, engaging your abdominal muscles. Hold for up

to a minute to support the low back.

3. Pelvic bridging: Lie on your back with arms by your side. Elevate the front of your pelvis, activating the

abdominals, and elongate your spine. Hold for about 30 seconds.

4. Back extension: This yoga-inspired exercise may help with disc problems. Lie on your stomach, place

your forearms under your shoulders, and gently lift your upper body while keeping your abs engaged.

Repeat up to three times.

5. Spine stretch: Lie on your back, arms forming a "V" shape above your head. Reach and feel the stretch

in your upper back.

Remember to listen to your body while performing these stretches and stay within a pain-free range. If

morning back pain persists or worsens, consult a healthcare provider to rule out any serious underlying



Starting your day without the burden of morning back pain is entirely possible with the right approach. By

addressing the causes of your discomfort and incorporating morning stretches into your routine, you can wake

up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle whatever lies ahead. Prioritize your back health, invest

in a comfortable mattress and pillow, and make morning stretches a habit to reclaim your mornings and

improve your overall quality of life.

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